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Future Mountain's Living 

CONCEPT:  "Explore the future in retirement" 

LOCATION : The Cairnhill  ,Tsuen Wan Mid-level ,  HK


10 Design Development Sketches_edited_edited

This apartment is located in a peaceful woodland in Hong Kong, perching on a hillside in Tseun Wan Mid-levels. The home unit has prime access to a superb panorama stretching from mountains to cities. The owners are a retired couple and their two daughters. They enjoy travelling and collecting souvenirs around the world. The design aims to bring freshness to their retirement life; blur the sense of boundary between the surrounding mountains and cities; and blend in the diverse surroundings with their collection of artworks from across the globe. The design concept revolves around futurist living experience on a mountain, embedding the central idea: “Explore the future in retirement.” 

In the future, nature environment and interior space should march. Therefore, this project aims to merge the nature environment surrounding the apartment into its interior space by making elements of mountain chains -silhouette of mountains in different heights and curves, and the ups and downs of nature path- as the core of the design.

The design offers fresh insights into retirement life. The reciprocity between elements of nature and futurism creates an unique, immersive experience.



未來,自然環境和室內空間應該融合。因此,該項目旨在以山脈元素中不同高度和曲線的山脈剪影,以及自然路徑的起伏——作為設計的核心,將公寓周圍的自然環境融入室內空間。 室內空間的分區遵循不規則的山脈形狀,將門廳、廚房、用餐區和起居區合併為一個開放空間,壁掛櫃和陶瓷地磚共享相同的色調。櫥櫃被設計成一個充滿珍寶的豪華洞穴,展示業主的藝術收藏品。為了充分利用10英尺高的天花板,起居區特別採用了向上延伸的傾斜天花板,兩側牆壁的流線向窗戶延伸,突出了壯觀的窗景。金屬的、動態的線條採用山的最小曲線,為自然元素提供未來主義的家具。暖色調的燈安裝在天花板的兩側,進一步放大了空間。主臥室進一步培養了起居區的基調,床板和衣櫃共享了花崗岩的形狀和色調,這是一種在荃灣盛產的岩石。另外兩間臥室設計成閣樓式,採用大地色的樹屋形式。衣櫃閣樓的使用不僅模仿樹屋的形式,而且利用高天花板的優勢創造更多的工作和存儲空間。同時,地板和衣櫃的反光錶面形成了未來主義的構圖,與自然元素形成鮮明對比。 該設計提供了對退休生活的全新見解。自然元素和未來主義元素之間的互惠創造了一種獨特的、身臨其境的體驗。

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